M - 57 (mortar)

60 mm mortar M57 was Yugoslav mortar  introduced into operation in 1957. Today it is used in the armies of the countries stemming from the breakup of Yugoslavia.

It is used for neutralizing and to destroy the personnel at distances up to 1200 m, combat positions outside the shelter and in light shelters up to 1000 m. It is very convenient for beating targets on the last slopes. In addition, the mortar is used for the demolition of wire entanglements, and the glare watchtowers and firing positions.

Lightweight mortar, the possibility of fast switching without dismantling, easy transport by of servants, vertical trajectory, the rate of fire, and very little splitting fact allows it to be always in a timely manner to monitor and support the infantry in all stages and conditions of the struggle. The steepness of the path, as well as the small space that occupies a mortar in a combat situation, allows the mortar can be placed in deep shelters (bomb craters) in which the enemy can not be found and shot.
Men carried over shorter distances.
Over longer distances, animal-pack loaded, two mortars together with ammunition

a - end of the tube
b - sighting device
c - protractor
d- rangefinder
e - tube
f- pins
g - pedestal
h- cover for the tube

Tactical and technical data

Caliber tube: 60 mm
Barrel length 651 mm
Vertical field of action 45-85 °
Horizontal field of action left and right without moving the pin 7 °
Weight tube with breech 5.50 kg
Weight pads 4.40 kg
Weight biped 8.85 kg
Weight sighting device with a box of 1.80 kg
Weight RAP 3.30 kg
Weight tools with sighting device 19.70 kg
Speed shooting 25-30 mines in minutes
Minimum fringe range 74 m
The maximum distance shooting 1690 m
The initial rate of the primary charging 68 m / s
The initial rate of fire with the largest filling 159 m / s
The highest pressure of powder gases in the tubes 220-250 kg / cm
Weight mines 1.35 kg
Number of charging, basic and 4 additional





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